Things I Like Today.

5.16.2009 at 12:38 PM
The last few weeks have been absurdly busy, but with classes finished, I have a minute to breath, so I thought i'd post a short one before studying for the afternoon.  

2. Macromedia Dreamweaver 8
3. James Brown
4. Twitter
6. Passion/drive

Last.Fm is a really great program for finding new music and sharing what you are listening to.  it basically taps into your current music player, in my case, iTunes, and does what's called "scrobble" tracks that you listen to.  Basically, it takes the track names of what you listen to and posts them online, keeps track of what you listen to, recommends new artists and lets you listen to radio based on your 'Library'.  Its also a social community of music listeners. 

Dreamweaver 8 is a really cool, simple way to build a website without needing to know the ins and outs of the various code languages.

James Brown. Funk.

Twitter, if you don't know what it is, get on the band wagon, everyones doing it.

users..... The critically acclaimed 'Drewspace'. I build this site for a music technology project.  All fun..

passion/drive- met a kid last night that has a lot of passion to get into the music business.  he wants to get involved with WICKit Music Group.

Teefury is a super cool tshirt website.  A t-shirt a day for $9.  basically, they have a t-shirt on sale for 24 hours and then a new goes up.  all really cool artwork.

Thats  all for now.


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