Spring weekend...or is it?

4.28.2009 at 1:29 PM
This past weekend was supposedly spring weekend here up in the wonderful town of Oneonta, New York.  this is the fouth year now that Hartwick and SUNY Oneonta have hosted "OH Fest"-a day of fun for the students and community.  The town closes main street for the street carnival (live music, street vendors, rides, arts &crafts, etc..) and then there's a concert at seven o'clock to finish up the day.  This year, the band selection committee blew it.  For the headlining band, the options were between Eve 6 and Reel Big Fish.  (The latter selection being my choice.) There were no contractual issues with either band and most of the student body was for RBF and somehow, Eve 6 managed to get the gig.  LAME.  These guys have well past their prime.  I saw them once when they were just starting to get somewhere and personally wasn't impressed. Oh, that was about 10 years ago when they were probably in their twenties.  Now they're 30 year old guys in jeans that fit their girlfriends, singing to the 13-15 scene crowd.  For the 5 minutes that i listened to, i was saddened.  Sorry Eve 6, but its time to close this chapter and try something new.  On the bright side, Rahzel was pretty cool. 

(I think i may stop procrastinating now actually...this paper is kind of important.)


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